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🔧 extjs-dev-webmailsim

Development Package providing fake endpoints for the development of extjs-app-webmail.

The package intercepts outgoing network requests to all urls matching a specific regular expression. Additionally, you can configure whether the package's intercepting should be enabled or disabled - this makes it easier to use this package in environments where you have to test for fully functional network behavior with real HTTP-requests and live- and mock-data should be used side-by-side.

Use this package, if you...



This package is automatically installed with conjoon when used in a --save-dev context.

$ npm i --save-dev @conjoon/extjs-dev-webmailsim

If you want to develop with this package, run the build:dev-script:

$ npm run build:dev

Testing environment will then be available via

$ npm test

Configuring Sencha Ext JS

Make sure your ExtJS workspace.json is properly configured to look up local repositories in the node_modules-directory.

"packages": {
"dir": "${workspace.dir}/node_modules/@l8js,${workspace.dir}/node_modules/@conjoon,...",
"extract": "${workspace.dir}/packages/remote"

Update the app.json of the application by specifying this package in the uses-property in either the development and/or production section:

"development": {
"uses": [
"production": {
"uses": [


extjs-dev-webmailsim is a coon.js package and is tagged as such in the package.json:

"coon-js": {
"package": {
"autoLoad": {
"registerController": true
"config" : "${package.resourcePath}/extjs-dev-webmailsim.conf.json"

By default, this package's configuration can be found in this package's resources folder in a file named extjs-dev-webmailsim.conf.json.

What goes into an extjs-dev-webmailsim configuration?


The following can be applied directly to Refer to the configuration guide!

The configuration file for this package has various entries representing entities endpoints for accessing them: mailAccount, mailFolder, messageItem and attachment:

"attachment": {
"url": "*?/MailAccounts/(.+)/MailFolders/(.+)/MessageItems/(.+)/Attachments(/.*)?",
"enabled": true,
"delay": 250
"messageItem": {
"url": "*?/MailAccounts/(.+)/MailFolders/(.+)/MessageItems(/.*)?",
"enabled": true,
"delay": 250
"mailFolder": {
"url": "*?/MailAccounts/(.+)/MailFolders(/.*)?",
"enabled": true,
"delay": 250
"mailAccount": {
"url": "*?/MailAccounts(/d+)?",
"enabled": true,
"delay": 250

Each entry in the configuration can be configured with


  • Type: String

In order to properly intercept outgoing requests to the services as described in rest-api-mail, the package needs to be configured with a regular expression for matching urls that should be intercepted for accessing the represented entity.


The package is pre-configured with these regular expressions. For example, HTTP-requests to the following URLs are intercepted by this package:



  • Type: Bool

If this package is used with your development or production environment, intercepting urls can be enabled/disabled by changing the property enabled to either true or false


  • Type: Integer

The delay (in milliseconds) for responses to be returned, to mimic network latency.

Order of matching URLs

URL-matching is considered in the order the urls are configured. Make sure more specific regular expressions are defined first, followed by more common ones.

For example, the url would be intercepted by the regular expression defined with mailFolder (because it is defined at first), although it should be intercepted by messageItem:

"mailFolder": {
"url": "*?/MailAccounts/(.+)/MailFolders(/.*)?",
"enabled": true,
"delay": 250
"messageItem": {
"url": "*?/MailAccounts/(.+)/MailFolders/(.+)/MessageItems(/.*)?",
"enabled": true,
"delay": 250

Changing Response Data

If an url was intercepted, static data is returned, complying with REST API. Static data can be edited in the files src/data/table/MessageTable.js (message envelopes and bodies) and src/data/table/AttachmentTable.js (attachments), which are both part of this package.