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conjoon`s infrastructure consists of NPM- and composer-packages. We also provide Docker/DDEV images for pre-build backends.


This guide focuses on the installation of the web-client. For more information on the installation of one of the available backends, please refer to the Backend Guide


Use the Quick Start to get a build running in no time! ⏱


Node.js version 16 or above (check your installed version with node-v). Multiple Node versions can be managed with nvm.

Using an official Build

Each release of conjoon comes with an official build. Releases are available at the GitHub project page. Builds are packed as zip-files and prefixed with, following the release-tag, e.g.

Download a release build and unzip the file (WinZip or 7-Zip on Microsoft Windows, unzip -d target-folder on Unix). Simply place the extracted contents in a directory that is publicly accessible on your webserver, and you're done.

Example: Your page can be accessed given the url The document root is set to /var/www/html/mydomain. conjoon should be available at the address

md /var/www/html/mydomain/conjoon
unzip -d /var/www/html/mydomain/conjoon

Installing & building from scratch

If you wish to create a build of conjoon on your own, you can clone the repository and run the build process on your own.

cd ~
git clone
cd conjoon

Your home directory now contains the folder conjoon with the repository contents.


We strive to keep the main branch stable. If you're looking for the most recent sources, you should use our dev-branch.


Now that you have a local copy of the repository, you need to install the (development-)dependencies. conjoon uses the Sencha Ext JS SDK and requires Sencha Ext JS version 7.4 or above.

Accessing Sencha's NPM Repository

The Sencha NPM-repository is private and requires a registered user for downloading the Ext JS SDK. A registered user is either the owner of a commercial license of the SDK, or a user registered for a 30-days trial version of the framework (more info here). To actually resolve the dependencies for conjoon when calling npm ci, you need to provide your Sencha NPM credentials during the process.

Once you have your authentication credentials confirmed by Sencha, return to the cli and type

$ npm login --registry= --scope=@sencha

This will start the authentication process for the private NPM repository.


Your email-address is your username when logging in, but you have to replace the @ with two dots ... Example: myname@domain.tld becomes myname..domain.tld.

Once signed in, an access token will be placed in your npmrc file for future authentication against Sencha's NPM repository. You have now registered for packages with the scope @sencha and can continue with installing the dependencies for conjoon.


For more information on how to access the Sencha NPM Repository, refer to Sencha's official guide.

Installing the Dependencies

Following the above steps, return to the cloned respository in your home directory and start the install process:

$ cd ~/conjoon
$ npm ci --save-dev

Running the tests

conjoon`s frontend is tested with Siesta. The test browser can be fired up with

$ npm run test

Available Build Scripts

Once all dependencies were installed with the help of NPM, you can run various scripts that help you with the development of conjoon.

Development Build w/ integrated webserver and mocked backend
$ npm start
Production Build

A deployable build will be made available in build/production/conjoon

$ npm run build
Production Build with webserver for preview
$ npm run build:preview

When you're done with installation, you can configure the client and its available packages. Please refer to the chapter "Configuration" for more information.