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· 3 min read
Thorsten Suckow-Homberg

Easily create Siesta tests for your applications

Siesta is a JavaScript unit and UI testing tool which allows for running tests (for Ext JS (view-) components, amongst others) directly in the web browser (or headless in case you want to use it with your ci tools).

It is conjoon's favorite among the various testing tools out there (I'm also working with Jest 🃏 when there's no Ext JS involved) and without it, it's clear that End-to-End tests of some of the features and changes that have made it into conjoon would have slowed the project down due to their cyclic complexity - or even worse, make the software stuck in regression.

extjs-app-webmail alone sports more than 5000 unit and ui tests created with Siesta and they all make sure that the frontend behaves as intended and is free from un-welcomed side effects for any edge case that might occur (I know that's a bold statement).

To ease the process of setting up a functional Siesta environment, I'm introducing the cli tool create-siesta which can be used with any JavaScript framework that requires a functional Siesta application running in a web browser, or at least a fully fledged infrastructure for running Siesta tests. However, by providing integrated build options for the Ext JS SDK, it is best suited for environments where the Sencha framework is already being used or will be used.

For using the tool, all that is required is a working Node.js installation on your machine. The scaffolding process can then be started by typing

npx create-siesta@latest

on the console. create-siesta will then guide you through the installation process and also consider the environment (aka current working directory) it was invoked in, by falling back to already existing Ext JS sources for example, or any other package requirements already available.

Once create-siesta is finished, a folder (defaulting to tests) will be available with your project that contains a scaffolded Siesta environment with templates for additional and future tests you and your team can implement. Tests can then be started with

npm run siesta:test

create-siesta builds upon an already available helper tool for creating tests with Siesta, namely @coon-js/siesta-lib-helper which is already widely used throughout the conjoon project and the packages it depends on. This means that you will have an additional control at hand with the Siesta application that allows for switching between toolkit dependent tests and dynamically changing timeout values used with


in tests.

The additional control made available by siesta-lib-helper allows for switching between the modern M and classic C toolkit and provides a list of timeout values that can be globally used with t.waitForMs() in tests.


The documentation for create-siesta can be found here, the sources are available with the coon.js organization at GitHub, which provides a collection of useful tools for rapid Sencha Ext JS application development, and spawned from the conjoon open source project.

· 2 min read
Thorsten Suckow-Homberg

Creating a custom labeled version of conjoon has never been easier.

The installer (i.e. initializer) for conjoon received an update to make setting up a local installation of the frontend more convenient and more intuitive.

The installer requires Node.js 16.14 or above and is started by typing

npx create-conjoon@latest 

on the command line. Additionally, you have the option to initiate the quick install right away by providing the name and the target directory for the installation:

npx create-conjoon@latest "my webmail" ~/webmail

The quick install will continue the installation process by picking the latest release from the package registry (including pre-releases) and configure the installation with fake endpoints returning demo data. You can still connect to production systems later on by using appropriate settings.

If you prefer a guided installation for configuring endpoints for existing backends right away, you can omit any of the arguments. The installer will then present various options to make sure your requirements are met!

In both cases, target directory will contain the files required for developing conjoon and a production build available in the build folder, which is served by typing npm run stage in the target directory.

Have a great day! ☀️

· One min read
Thorsten Suckow-Homberg

🎉 5 years after the (almost) first commit to conjoon's new home, I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of the first public pre-release of conjoon, an open source email client built with JavaScript, PHP and great tools from the open source community.


npx create-conjoon@latest 


cd target_folder
npm run stage

to get started, and don't miss out on the documentation.

While I'm confident that conjoon can take its first steps in a production environment, expect a stable first release to be available in the coming days. Until then, a few additions to the documentation and the guides will be made.

Happy coding! 🎈